Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lesson 1: You have to start somewhere

This being my first entry, I am unsurprisingly plagued with the semi-expected lack of things to say. That is, despite having thought of about 3 dozen or so beforehand, then when I sit down to type them all in a grandiose montage of high-speed bloggery, amaze and astound all who read with my wit and wisdom...only to have all topics disappear from my mind with an ear-splitting poof. So this begs the question: Just who am I and what the hell is this about?

I'll start with current events and shift around from there. (All who are growing weary of my wordage and articulation, don't worry. I'll fall back to reality as soon as the novelty wears off.)

My wife and I were involved in a wreck on Thursday. All details spared, suffice it to say I did not run a red light. The chick in the Saturn did. Anyway, we found out today that our car has been declared a total loss. The amount that her insurance is granting us is dismal at best. But the '92 Honda Accord which has served us so well these past 5 years has finally seen her day. (Strange that most cars are "she". Odd.) It will be sad to see her go.

I've said about all I care to for now.

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