He's in Fort Rucker, Alabama now in a much more relaxed atmosphere. The difficulty of this is that now he has to be self-disciplined with his exercise, diet, and so on. He's staying in the army's equivalent of a college dorm. He and two other guys share a room. He was finally able to start classes this week. Because they are a bit crowded, they have day classes and night classes. So Spyder ended up in night classes, attending from about 5pm-2am. Thankfully, he doesn't have to be to formation until 11 the next morning. He had his first test last night. I often stay up until 1 or 2 am to talk to him. He gave me a call after the test was over and graded. He told me that he did his best, turned his test in and went down to the room he had been told to wait in. But, he was the only one there. Another class that wasn't testing came into the room for their break, went back for more classes, came out for their second break... and Spyder was still the only one from his class waiting in the room. He started to get nervous that he'd done something wrong. He even went and checked with a sargeant. Well, after around an hour and a half some people started coming in from his class. When everyone had finished, they all went back to their classroom. On Spyder's desk was his test folder, on top of which rested a Snickers bar. He got 100%! And he was the first one in the class to finish. He broke the time record for the course, finishing his exam in a mere 14 minutes. They had been alotted 2 hours. So, he's doing very well and is keeping busy. We talk late at night to tell each other good night and get up early in the morning to tell each other to have a good day. (Man, am I tired! :)
He'll be flying home on Dec. 20th and staying until Jan. 2nd. I can hardly contain myself! It's only 15 days away. (But, who's counting?) I've already sent him his Gameboy, however, to sustain him until he gets home. ;) I am so proud of him. I tried to tell him how much potential he has and how amazing he is. So, when he told me about his test, I said, "Now do you see what I mean?" His answer was suitably sheepish. ;)
Well, I'll try to keep you guys up to date. But, finals end the day before he gets home, so if I don't get a chance before he comes, please forgive me!
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