It has been brought to my attention that evidently, I am a downer. *shrug*. So, here's a better story for you: I have just finished my enlistment in an RSP company, which is for those soldiers that have not yet shipped to basic combat training. (I'll be doing that soon.) The "company" is a group of 40-80 soldiers, divided into platoons. Each platoon, of which I am in the 2nd, consists of 4 squads of 5-10 soldiers, to include Squad Leaders, such as myself. Now to explain the Motivational Phrase: The company, when falling in, assemble at attention and sound off with "LEAVE NO TRACE!" As we are the Delta Company Ghosts, this seems appropriate. 1st platoon has it's own Motivational Phrase for when it falls in as a platoon. Usually what it sounds like is "WE ARE WARRIORS! (unitelligible utterances for about 12 more syllables) DRIVE ON, DRILL SERGEANT, DRIVE ON!" I think someone was trying to hard.....
So, SFC Boman noticed that 2nd platoon didn't have one. And so he asked for suggestions. No one was brave enough to speak up. So he said that since no one spoke up, we'd go down the line squad by squad sounding off untill we got one we liked. My mind went blank. Before I knew it, he was to Private Rowley, who sounded off with "LOUD PROUD AND AVOWED!" I thought we should just go with that. But no, he gets to me. Only one thing came to mind:
Wow. Yup. That's what I sounded off with.
"Napalm sticks to....kids? Hooah?" SFC Boman was understandably confused. Our lead sergeant walks in and asks, "Did I just hear that napalm sticks to kids? You have not been in the military long enough to know about that."
We ended up going with "Loud Proud And Avowed." But the look on Boman's face was enough to make me giggle even now.
You have always marched to the beat of a different drummmer,little brother. I have always liked your song better.
Agreed. You have a strange way of doing things, but they always make me smile. :)
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