As I'm sure has been noticed, the subject matter within a post rarely is reflected by the title, or lesson, as it were. Why is this? Because I need, somewhere in my life, a place where things don't make sense and it's ok. I started a blog so that I could have a space on the internet where I can be a moron, and it's fine. Because God forbid you do that anywhere else. See, I've reached that crossroads now, where I have the option of becoming and maintaining a responsible, well-mannered, all-american citizen, or whether to slide back to being a comfortable, self-centered, under-achieving asshole. Yeah, I know. That answer should be a obvious as the choice between ice cream or death. (I should tell you, I am no advocate to the frozen abomination) But apparently it's a more difficult decision than that. No, I'm not going to get religious, here. The Jesus Cannon remains lovingly tucked away, reserved for more dire usage. It's just that I want so badly to become the living embodiment of my potential as a human being, a person, an employee, a father and husband. (To allay any questions forthwith: I have no children. When we have them, you will be informed of it. Do not ask. And don't worry about Big Leon back there with the baseball bat...If you'll spare me the questions, he'll spare you your knees. Capiche?)
But at the same time I want to not care. I wish I could just be whatever I feel like, and let the world screw itself. Much to my joy, though, the responsibility seems to be winning out, albeit slowly.
On a mostly unrelated note: My father visited this weekend. I got to see both my parents in the space of about a week. And my siblings and their respective families. It was good to connect again. Not sure when I'll blip back off the radar, but whenever I do, I'll surface again. I always will.
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Well, buddy, the beauty of life is that you don't actually have to choose. I've been figuring that out this week, actually. Just be you. Have responsible times and have asshole times. Cause if you just go one way or the other you'll lose the luster and the sheen that is you. Just be a combination of your get-it-done self and your has-it-really-been-3-hours? self. I love and need them both.
Here, here. What makes us all unique individuals and sets us apart from others is the beauty of grasping the spirit that is truely us and loving it. Good times and bad, just like a marriage. It was fabulous to see you. One of the best visits ever. Love you, twin
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