I've come to the conclusion that people act in unison without their own knowledge. Here's an example: Mondays I have 5 regular pickups. Those pickups show up whether they actually have anything or not. In addition to those, I typically get anywhere from 5 to 10 more throughout the day, until my 2:00pm cutoff time. So how is it that today there was a single call-in, giving me fits of paranoia the whole day? Because I know that they're all going to hit me at once, and at like 1:45pm, effectively ruining my day...but then my cutoff time hits, and...nothing. In a fit of rapture I use that extra time to drive like a madman from stop to stop, getting a ridiculous amount delivered and finishing well within my time frame. But back to the point, how did almost everyone coordinate their lack of pickup needs on the same day without talking about it?
It boggles my messed-up little mind...
My cat drinks from the sink. It's a little embarrassing, because it feels like he's spoiled out of his fur. He gets up on the sink and mrowrs and prrrps until we come turn the faucet on. It just makes me hope I'll be more stern with my eventual kids than I am with my cat. His name's Miles, by the way, and he looks like a Russian Blue. (What a cat looks like vs. What a cat's breed actually is. Two very different things.) He shows some of the traits, which I suppose means he might have a little Blue in him. He's about 3 1/2 years old. (I will NOT give his age in months! I DESPISE referring to the age of anything over a year in months...)
Lastly, I've received responses from several family members and friends now, but I'm still missing a few. Hey, even a "your blog sucks," will do.
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Spyder... Cats love running water... to drink from, that is. Kitten, our resident Calico loves to stand in front of the sink while I am shaving and getting ready for work. I take my shower - no, she doesn't join me - and the minute that the water is turned off, she's in licking the shower floor. Cats is cats - take 'em or leave 'em, that's their opinion on humans - take 'em or leave 'em. Oh wait.. he's got food!
My cats, well one, jumps in the shower as soon as I am done also. The other thinks he is a dog. Growls, almost barks, comes when called etc. They are like kids, definately unique and individual. Gorgeous, is our little princess. She waits for the water to be turned on, insists on being loved when she wants and is full of mischief. Oliver, our dog, oh boy. This one you just have to meet. And yes, they are both your bestest friend when there is food. :)
Spyder - How goes it getting the power supply for your sister's computer? She'd appreciate it fairly soon. Give me a call if you need anything.
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