Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lesson 11: Way Of The Unseen Hand

Let me begin this one by stating that I despise cellphones. My wife and I went to a local well-known theme park yesterday. Teenagers: do you really need to whip out your phone that you don't pay for while you're standing in line for the roller coaster and text your best friend telling her that OMG, you're in line for the roller coaster? Pathetic. Wow, you can text in a barely decipherable language at a thumb-blistering 80 words per minute! Am I supposed to be impressed by this?

In my line of work, I see the detrimental effects of cell phone use while driving. Thousands of you out there are thinking, "Well, most people can't multi-task like I can." Newsflash: YOU CAN'T MULTI-TASK WORTH A SHIT. None of you can. Believe me. I'm sure that this morning, Mr. Multi-task himself thought he was being sooo efficient when he drifted into my lane, forcing me almost into a ditch, smashing my driver-side rear view mirror so that the glass blasted through my window and into the hand that was shielding my face. I doubt he knew anything even happened. For one, he was in a huge hick-sized truck, and for two, he was gabbing away on his beloved cellphone.

So do me a favor: Hang up.

*sigh* that that's over with, my wife and I had a wonderful time at the theme park. We discovered that she has a liking for margarita-flavored Hawaiian ice smoothies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Margarita's are Good. ;) And to add to your cell phone comments, I just want to say this, time and place. I have so much more respect for the people that pull over to talk, say to me "hey, I am driving right now, let me call you back." etc. Cell phones are fabulous in times of emergency and communication but nothing takes the place, text or call, of a face to face conversation or time together. I am glad you didnt get hurt. Have a splendid weekend. twin