Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Chains Are Rusting Through

There's a lot to cover.

A lot.

It's going to take time, and I can almost guarantee that I'm not going to touch on all of it.  Hell, this might be a turnaround point, it might be more of my usual flash-in-the-pan temporary crap and hollow promises.

I'm not sure where to start, and that's ok.  So I'll start now.  I'm currently still in the army, but not for much longer.  The army was good for a time, it served my needs, but the army has changed.  With the financial draw-down, we junior enlisted are being sacrificed to the higher beings that are in charge of who keeps their jobs.  Senior enlisted have the ability to cut us down and kick us out.  It's not right, so I'm not staying.

I'm trying for a welding apprenticeship, which, if I get into it, will secure a job for at least 5 years, being a union program.  I hope it works out.  I miss Utah.