Monday, October 4, 2010

Fighting For It

First and foremost, if you have not read Wisp's latest, do so now. Do it. Go on, I'll wait here for you. *looks at watch* .....Done? Ok. Then let's proceed, shall we?

The house that we moved into is SO what I needed. I never understood just how much a place can make you feel...valid. We're finally in a place that Wisp deserves. Every other place we've lived in made me feel so cramped, irritated, and like everything was temporary. Here, though, I finally feel grown-up, you know? Like life can finally make that ever-so-treacherous transition into...dare I speak it....permanence. Like I can finally REALLY unpack.

I know it may be kind of a dumb thing, but the first night we moved in, I realized that I know people that have never been without this comfort. They have never lived in a sketchy, questionable, and unstable life. They went from their parent's house to their own house. Not apartment....HOUSE. I have no respect for these people, as they fail to know true hardship. I respect those who have fought hard for what they have. Those of you who lead an entitled know who you are.

Anyway, this is why I wouldn't change my past for anything. It made me strong, honest, and proud. Kanye West is a moron, but I live by one on his lines: Everything I'm not made me everything I am.